I am a Christian and a wife and mother of three trying to live out God's purpose for my life. Our homeschooling journey was not a typical beginning. My husband and I had attended public school and had planned for our children to attend there as well. My oldest had attended a pre-k program at a Christian school to get him ready. It had been a bumpy start but he finally settled down and got used to it. When time came to tour the elementary school that our son was zoned for (which was known to be the best one in the county) we decided it wasn't for us. I was floored at what they had planned on teaching them in kindergarten and the learning environment was not inviting. We therefore decided to leave him at the private Christian school he was at and that is where he stayed until 3rd grade. By that time my middle child was ready for pre-k and I signed him up that year as well. Things went pretty well for him but my oldest through the years was bored and didn't want to go. He almost always got perfect scores and never studied. I tried talking with the teachers and they said there was nothing they could do until he got into the upper grades just to be happy that he was bright and "didn't need help." I was tired of paying big bucks for my son to sit and not be challenged so that is the year I took the plunge and pulled him out. It has been a learning road and I have spent many hours studying and learning what is best for my children. Everyone has a story and what works for their family. This blog is what has worked for mine. I hope that what I write will help others who are beginning or those who are always looking for things to help deepen their children's learning. Blessings!

Friday, July 17, 2015

6th Grade Course Descriptions w/book list 2014-15

Language Arts                    Semesters: 2                         Credits: 1                              Home  
In this class we read, discussed, and wrote about various literature and authors focusing on different literature elements.  Using Spelling Workout F & part of G we worked on spelling focusing on a spelling rule or pattern. We also used Shurley English 7 program for our continued study in grammar concepts for half the year before switching to Rod and Staff Grammar 5 which focused more on diagramming and the following. Deals with understanding sentence types and structure, the eight parts of speech, concepts about punctuation, capitalization, the dictionary, synonyms, antonyms, Bible reference books, hyphens, and colons. Writing used the Excellence in writing program where we worked through and wrote many different types of papers including:  narratives, reports, and essays.  Also worked on dictation throughout the year and worked through Reading and Reasoning by Classical Academic Press to work more on comprehension.  Books read:  The Story of the Treasure Seekers, Swiss Family Robinson, Call of the Wild, Prince and Pauper, Captains Courageous, and Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Just So Stories  Shakespeare we focused and read on this year was:  The Taming of the Shrew and Hamlet.  Poetry studies included:  Christina Rossetti, Rudyard Kipling, and Walt Whitman  3rd term Literature class discussing various books and literature analysis.  Instructor:  Mrs. Lisa Tetsch

Pre-Algebra                         Semesters: 2                         Credits: 1                              Home  
Saxon Algebra 1/2 is the culmination of pre-algebra mathematics, a full pre-algebra course and an introduction to geometry and discrete mathematics. Some topics covered include Prime and Composite numbers; fractions & decimals; order of operations, coordinates, exponents, square roots, ratios, algebraic phrases, probability, the Pythagorean Theorem and more.  Also read:  Mathematicians are People Too

Anatomy                               Semesters: 2                         Credits: 1                              Home/local coop
All creation is awe-inspiring, but the work of the human body, created in the very image of God, is especially jaw-dropping! This study of anatomy and physiology showcases the intricacy and design of the human body, from DNA and cell creation to the skeletal, muscular, digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous/endocrine, immune, and integumentary systems. Integrated with health and nutrition information, as well as plenty of scripture and biblical application, this complete guide to the human body is written in an enjoyable, conversational tone that will keep kids engaged. Experiments, notebooking assignments, narration, and a "personal person project" provide interaction with concepts outside of reading, and help to solidify understanding.  Using the text Exploring Creation with Human Anatomy and Physiology by Apologia. Also read these books:  Exploring the History of Medicine, Mummies Made in Egypt, Blood and Guts, and The Man Who Mistook his Wife for a Hat.

World History                    Semesters: 2                         Credits: 1                              Home  
Focused on the accounts of Adam to Joshua, including a study of Ancient Egypt and other civilizations of the time period as well as the Greeks integrating the Bible and history into discussion.  For our geography studies we solidified our learning of all the countries in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.  Texts used: Kingfisher Encyclopedia and various other library books on different topics.  Also included many the following books in our study:  Pyramid, Riddle of Rosetta Stone, Letters From Egypt, Adam and His Kin, The Golden Goblet, and The Cat of Bubastes, Tirzah, Story of the World Vol. 1, Genesis Finding Our Roots, Visits to the Middle East(Geography study), Material World, The Hungry Planet, The Story of the Greeks, Black Ships Before Troy, The Parthenon, The Book of the Ancient Greeks, Wanderings of Odysseus

Latin I                                  Semesters: 2                         Credits: 0.5                          Home  
Using Latin Alive I book we will complete one half of the book through chapter 18.  Clear grammatical explanations explain all five noun declensions and cases, all verb conjugations, irregular verbs, and various pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Each chapter begins with the Latin motto of a United States state seal and includes extensive study of Latin derivatives.

Old Testament Survey      Semesters: 2                         Credits: 0.5                          Home  
An in depth study of Genesis-1 Samuel in the Bible chronologically.  Texts used: Bible, Commentary for Children:  Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus

PE                                         Semesters: 2                         Credits: 0.5                          Home/local coop
One semester of Self Defense and outside exercise for the remaining year.

Fine Arts                               Semesters: 2                         Credits: 0.25                        Home  
A study into the lives of composers:  Claude Debussy, Bella Bartok, and Maurice Ravel and the works they accomplished using various books and CDs to appreciate their style.
Also studied the following artists lives and technique that they used and became familiar with many of their works:  Norman Rockwell, Frans Lanting and Thomas Kinkade.

Other Studies books included including free reading:  Case for a Creator, Missionary Stories with the Millers, Do Hard Things, Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends, Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens,Phoenix and the Carpet, Five Children and It, The Borrowers

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