Lesson 27-31
Short a vowel words
Red book set 1: Mac and Tab
Mat, Sam (set 1)
Cat, Rag (yellow bk)
Lesson 32-33
Short e vowel words
Red book set 1 : The Jet
Lesson 34-36
Short I vowel words
Red book set 1 : The Tin Man
Pig Wig, Pig Wig can Hit, Tag (yellow
Lesson 37-38
Short o vowel words
Red book set 1 : Al
Dot and Mit, Mac, Doc and Mit, Dot and
the Dog, Jig and Mag (set 1)
Lesson 39
Short u vowel words
Red book set 1 : Tim
Muff and Ruff (set 1)
Lesson 40
Review all short vowel words
Red book set 1 : 6-10 Ben Bug, Ed, Meg, Ted, The Wig
Peg and Ted, 10 Cut ups, Lad and the
Fat Cat, The Vet (set 1)
Short vowels
Fun in the Sun
Fun in the Sun, Up Pup, Pip and Pog,
Bow Wow, The Big Hat, Sox the Fox, OK Kids, Rub a Dub Dub, Go Bus, The Red
Hen, The Sad Cat, O to 10 (set 2 bk. 1-12), Summer (Set 3 bk. 5, 6 Kittens,
Lesson 47
Nd, mp
Clap and Jump (red bk)
Lesson 48
Nk, le
Teal set 4: The Little Skunk
Go over dge sound
Fun in the Sun pgs. 96
Lesson 41-62
Consonant blends
Scamp & Tramp
Funny Bunny (Set 3 bk. 7) Bed Bugs
(set 3 bk. 8) Floppy Mop (set 3 bk 1)
Lesson 50
Sl, sp, fl
Ten Men (set 4 bk 1),
The Sled, Pat’s Glass The Hot
Dogs(orange bk)
Lesson 51-53
Sw, st
The Pals (orange bk)
Lesson 50-53
Initial Beg. Blends
Green Book set 3 : 1-7: Slide, The
Plane Trip, Spot, The Prints, The Dream, The Best Gift
Lesson 54
Teal book set 4 : Ring The Bell
When the Class Bell Rings (red bk)
Lesson 56
Teal book set 4 : Fish Fun
Lesson 57
Teal book set 4 : The Chicken Ranch
Matt and Tom (orange bk), Where is My
Ham Pam’s Picnic(orange bk)
Lesson 58
Ch, tch
Play Ball (red bk),
Lesson 59-61
Th, wh
Teal set 4 : The White Hen
Lesson 61
Purple book set 6: Phil and Stephanie
Lesson 65
Long a
Blake the Snake (green bk)
Lesson 69-70
Long i
My Bike Ride (green bk)
Lesson 65-71
Long vowel silent e
Soft & White
Max and the Tom Cats (set 4 bk. 8)
Miss Prim’s Hat (orange)
Lesson 74
Long vowel a,I,,o
Level C Book 1- The Game
Lesson 65-71
Long vowels w/ silent e
Blue book set 2: Mag Gets Well, The Big Game, The Joke, The
Lesson 75
Long vowel w/ck
Green Book set 3: The Lost Duck & Mittens, Max & the Fox
Lesson 77
Soft sounds of c
Purple book set 6: At the Fair w/Cecil and Alice
Lesson 78
Soft sounds of g
Purple book set 6: Hedgehog Log
Lesson 84-88
Long A sounds ai, ea
Blue book set 2 : Sail, The Seal
Frogs (set 3 bk.3)
Lesson 85
Long A
The Train (Level C set 1 bk. 5)
Lesson 89-93
Long E sounds ie oe, ee, ea
Blue book set 2 : The Bee, The Seal
The Swimmers (set 4 bk. 4) Willy’s
Wish (set 4 bk. 6)
Sam Did It (Orange bk)
Lesson 90
The Picnic (Level C set 1 bk. 4)
Lesson 94
Purple book set 6: Sallie the Timid Puppy
Lesson 94-97
Pink book set 5: The Shy Tiger
Lesson 98
Long O sound oa
Blue book set 2 : The Goat
The Visit (Level C set 1 bk. 6)
Stomp!Crunch!Crack! (green bk)
Lesson 100
Long O sounds oe
Blue Book set 2 : The Bee
Review vowel digraphs
Blue book set 2 : Hide and Seek, The Fire
Lesson 104
Purple book set 6: A Lucky Day for Andrew
Lesson 106
Samantha (set 4 bk. 5) Bud’s Nap
(Level C set 1 bk. 3)
Lesson 106-124
Oo, ow,
Pink book set 5: The Good Cook, Pet Poodle, A Cow in Town,
The Mouse House, Too Small, The Square Egg
Lesson 107
Level C Bk. 2 Joe’s Toe
Lesson 117
Purple book set 6: Paulette in Space
Lesson 120-124
Ow, ou, oi
Cat and Mouse (set 4 bk.3)
Crabby Couch (blue bk)
Lesson 122-123
Oi, oy
Purple book set 6: A Class Trip w/Ms. Royal
Lesson 124
Ow, cl, gr,ld
Jumper and the Clown (set 4 bk. 7)
Lesson 134
Purple book set 6: The Mighty Mustang
Lesson 137
The Seeing Eye Dog (blue bk)
Lesson 154
R changed vowels
The Red Car (set 3 bk. 4)
Lesson 156
Teal book set 4 : The Go Cart
On Your Mark! (green bk)
Lesson 157
Teal book set 4: The Lost Horse
Lesson 168
Teal book set 4 : The Brave Hunter
Lesson 169-170
Ir, ur
Teal book set 4 : The Birdfeeder & The Hard Worker review
Surf Cat (green bk)
Lesson 184
Ing, er
Bump (set 4 bk, 2) The King (Level C
set 1 bk. 8)k.l;
Bumper cars (red bk)Who is Tapping
(red bk)
Lesson 213
Ly, es
Silly Billy (red bk)
Lesson 214
Ann’s Gift (red bk), The Pet (red bk)