Toddler Curriculum
- Brightly Beaming Resources a great start and I used this as a jumping start for finding things to engage him in. I used this curriculum throughout the year except I taught him Latin for the words instead of her French.
- Slow and Steady Get Me Ready - great book full of great ideas
- Pinterest has so many great ideas for "busy bags" but we used these a lot for when I was working with my older kids. He loved these and they were only out during school time.
- In a pinch I used Leap Frog videos I am convinced that is how he learned so much so fast! He learned the whole alphabet and sounds within a couple of months and I had never taught him. I only allowed this video to be played a few times a week since I was trying to keep him from TV but when he was allowed he was mesmerized!
- We also read for at least 45 minutes a day sometimes longer. He loves to read!
Fourth Grade Curriculum 2012-13
Spelling: Spelling Workout E by Modern Curriculum Press
Dictation: Spelling Wisdom by
Handwriting: will continue to practice cursive & print writing with Copy Work for Boys
Literature (reading: From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankweiler, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, The Sign of the Beaver, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mary Poppins and studying different types of literature with emphasis on poetry by Robert Frost)
Math- (using Saxon 6/5)
Latin - (using Latin for Children B and reading simple Latin readers)
History- (will be studying a historical time line from the Early Modern Times, Explorers through 1815, using Veritas Press resources, Story of the World, as well as many historical fiction books to aid in understanding of each time period. Book list at bottom of website: Easy Classical. Will also be taking an online course through VeritasPress online to go more in depth in his study)
Geography: Using Geography Songs, Map Trek and Global-mania to help learn the different location of countries and mapping: West Indies, Mexico, South America, SE Europe, W Europe, SE Asia, Canada, Central America.
Science- Apologia textbook: Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day (along with many other books that coincide with the curriculum as well as the following novels: Venus Among the Fishes, I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916, Shark Lady: True Adventures of Eugenie Clark, Dolphin Adventure a true Story, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, A Dolphin Named Bob)
Bible- GOAL Bible Study Journal & Hymn study to correlate with the time period
Character building- Working through the book Created to Work
Art- Meet the (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques)
as well as attending a local coop
Physical Education/Health - Participating in Home school Fitness at the local gym and swimming when we can get him there. He also is enjoying running this year.
Music: Listening to the following composers during the year and learning a quick biography about them. Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Smith, Chopin, Schumann & Sullivan.
Computer: Continuing to learn keyboard typing using Typing for Children software as well as lessons on Microsoft Word and Power Point.
Memory work- Besides weekly memory verses will learn: quote from Christopher Columbus, Patrick Henry, George Washington, also the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, Preamble of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Critical thinking - Reading & Math Detective (Beginning) Editor n-Chief (Beginning)
7th Grade Curriculum 2012-13
This year he will take many online courses through
Composition I (Textbooks using: IEW How to Write a Story) Class description: Students will learn to write for discovery, analysis and communication. Review of basic grammar, study of voice, structure and connection. Students will write essays, learn to move from opinion to thesis and write forms of fiction and non-fiction.
Secondary Latin I - Wheelock”s Latin, Cambridge I & II, 38 Stories
Omnibus III Primary - (A combined class of theology and history) Description: Omnibus III Primary focuses on great works beginning just after the Reformation and cover significant works of modern Western culture. Book list includes: Omnibus III text book, United States History text (BJU Press), Anti-Federalist Papers, Of Plymouth Plantation, Federalist Papers, Pilgrim's Progress, A Tale of Two Cities, The Social Contract, Westminster Confession, 1984, Lincoln Speeches & Writings, The Communist Manifesto, The Great Gatsby, Mein Kampf, Reflections on the Revolution in France, Uncle Tom's Cabin
Omnibus III Secondary (A class that correlates with the learning of Omnibus Primary focusing on classical literature.) Book list includes: Autobiography of Charles Finney, Frankenstein, Foxe's New Book of Martyrs, Pride and Prejudice, Benjamin Franklin Autobiography, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Gulliver's Travels, Animal Farm, Christianity and Liberalism, Death of a Salesman, Killer Angels, Little Women, The Old Man & the Sea, Postmodern Times, How Should We Then Live?
Logic I- Textbooks: Intro & Intermediate Logic and Fallacy Detective
For science and math he will be taking at a local coop:
Science- (Physical Science) Textbook: Exploring Creation through Physical Science Apologia text
Math- (Algebra I ) Textbook using: Elementary Algebra by Harold Jacobs
With Me:
Bible: GOAL Bible Study Journal & Hymn study to correlate with the time period
Character building- Working through the book Created to Work
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