I am a Christian and a wife and mother of three trying to live out God's purpose for my life. Our homeschooling journey was not a typical beginning. My husband and I had attended public school and had planned for our children to attend there as well. My oldest had attended a pre-k program at a Christian school to get him ready. It had been a bumpy start but he finally settled down and got used to it. When time came to tour the elementary school that our son was zoned for (which was known to be the best one in the county) we decided it wasn't for us. I was floored at what they had planned on teaching them in kindergarten and the learning environment was not inviting. We therefore decided to leave him at the private Christian school he was at and that is where he stayed until 3rd grade. By that time my middle child was ready for pre-k and I signed him up that year as well. Things went pretty well for him but my oldest through the years was bored and didn't want to go. He almost always got perfect scores and never studied. I tried talking with the teachers and they said there was nothing they could do until he got into the upper grades just to be happy that he was bright and "didn't need help." I was tired of paying big bucks for my son to sit and not be challenged so that is the year I took the plunge and pulled him out. It has been a learning road and I have spent many hours studying and learning what is best for my children. Everyone has a story and what works for their family. This blog is what has worked for mine. I hope that what I write will help others who are beginning or those who are always looking for things to help deepen their children's learning. Blessings!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

2011-12 Curriculum 3rd & 6th grades

Third Grade Curriculum

  • Grammar and Writing (will be using Institute for Excellence in writing curriculum along with Shurley English 3 for Grammar)
  • Spelling/Voc.:  Spelling Workout D by Modern Curriculum Press
  • Handwriting:  Zaner Bloser (will continue to practice cursive writing)
  • Literature - Abeka’s Pilgrim Progress, Homer Price, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, A Door in the Wall, Alice in Wonderland, Winn Dixie, Poetry for Young People 
  • Math- (using Saxon 5/4)
  • Latin - (using Latin for Children)
  • History- (will be studying a historical time line from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance and Reformation, using Veritas Press resources, Story of the World, as well as many historical fiction books to aid in understanding each time period.) History books see list at:  www.easyclassical.com
  • Geography:  Using Geography Songs to help learn the different countries and mapping the different locations. 
  • Science-  Apologia textbook:  Exploring Creation with Astronomy (along with many other books that coincide with the curriculum) as well as attending a local coop group Some of the books being read are:  Nicolaus Copernicus Earth is a Planet, Along Came Gaileo, Johannes Kepler, To Space and Back
  • Bible-  Choosing Obedience curriculum along with Bible Discovery:  Words of Wisdom
  • Music - Private lesson on learning the violin.
  • Art-  Meet the Masters.com (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques) as well as attending a local coop group
  • Physical Education - Participating in local groups playing basketball and horseback riding.

6th Grade Curriculum

The following five classes he will be taking online at www.veritaspress.com 
  • Grammar & Writing Transition (will be using Our Mother Tongue for grammar and for writing will be using and will be using  Elegant Essays Vocabulary from Classical Roots for Linguistics.)
  •  Literature III (will be reading many novels and studying different types of literature)  Book list includes:  Around the World in 80 Days, The Call of the Wild, A Christmas Carol, Fahrenheit 451, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Jungle Book, Kidnapped, Little Women, White Fang, The Yearling
  •  Math- (will be using Saxon Algebra ½ curriculum)
  •  Grammar School Latin III - (will be using Latin for Children C)
  •  History Survey and Transition- (will be studying a historical time line from Creation to present, using Veritas Press resources as well as many historical fiction books to aid in understanding each time period.  Book list: The Boy's and Girl's Herodotus, God King. Children of the Covered Wagon, First Voyage to America, With Lee in Virginia, Beowulf, Alone Yet Not Alone, Adam and His Kin, Augustine: The Farmer Boy, The Hiding Place, Of Plymouth Plantation, Sergeant York and the Great War, King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, Johnny Tremain, Children's Homer 

  • Science-  Studying General Science this year which includes using the Apologia textbook:  Exploring Creation with General Science and taking at a local coop.
  • Spelling- Spelling Workout Level G by Modern Curriculum Press
  • Geography:  Using Geography Songs as well as an online program http://www.seterra.net/ to help learn the different countries and mapping the different locations.
  •  Bible- Will be using Balancing the Sword curriculum in studying in depth of the different books of the Bible Revelation, Acts, John, & Proverbs.  Also doing a study on Godly Relationships.
  •  Critical Thinking-  The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox
  •  Music - Continuing to learn more on his self study of the Guitar.
  •  Art-  Meet the Masters.com (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques)
  •  Physical Education - Participating in local activities including basketball and baseball.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2012-13 Curriculum - Toddler, 4th & 7th Grade

Toddler Curriculum

I have a 16 month old this year in the mix of teaching my other two.  This year began finding or creating a "curriculum" of such for things for him to do and to include him in the learning experience.  I used the following resources to help with his development and things he enjoyed doing.

  • Brightly Beaming Resources a great start and I used this as a jumping start for finding things to engage him in. I used this curriculum throughout the year except I taught him Latin for the words instead of her French.  http://www.letteroftheweek.com/

  • Slow and Steady Get Me Ready - great book full of great ideas

  • Pinterest has so many great ideas for "busy bags" but we used these a lot for when I was working with my older kids.  He loved these and they were only out during school time.
  •  In a pinch I used Leap Frog videos I am convinced that is how he learned so much so fast!  He learned the whole alphabet and sounds within a couple of months and I had never taught him.  I only allowed this video to be played a few times a week since I was trying to keep him from TV but when he was allowed he was mesmerized! 
  • We also read for at least 45 minutes a day sometimes longer.  He loves to read!

Fourth Grade Curriculum 2012-13


Grammar and Writing (will be using Institute for Excellence in Writing curriculum along with Shurley English for Grammar and Daily Grams for practice) Will be using www.easyclassical.com to correlate the history and writing together

Spelling:  Spelling Workout E by Modern Curriculum Press

Dictation:  Spelling Wisdom by http://simplycharlottemason.com/store/spelling-wisdom/

Handwriting:  will continue to practice cursive & print writing with Copy Work for Boys

Literature (reading:  From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankweiler, Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, The Sign of the Beaver, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Mary Poppins and studying different types of literature with emphasis on poetry by Robert Frost)

Math- (using Saxon 6/5)

Latin - (using Latin for Children B and reading simple Latin readers)

History- (will be studying a historical time line from the Early Modern Times, Explorers through 1815, using Veritas Press resources, Story of the World, as well as many historical fiction books to aid in understanding of each time period. Book list at bottom of website:  Easy Classical.  Will also be taking an online course through VeritasPress online to go more in depth in his study)

Geography:  Using Geography Songs, Map Trek and Global-mania to help learn the different location of countries and mapping:  West Indies, Mexico, South America, SE Europe, W Europe, SE Asia, Canada, Central America.

Science-  Apologia textbook:  Exploring Creation with Zoology 2 Swimming Creatures of the Fifth Day (along with many other books that coincide with the curriculum as well as the following novels:  Venus Among the Fishes, I Survived: The Shark Attacks of 1916, Shark Lady: True Adventures of Eugenie Clark, Dolphin Adventure a true Story, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, A Dolphin Named Bob)

Bible-  GOAL Bible Study Journal  http://simplycharlottemason.com/store/goal-bible-study-journal/ & Hymn study to correlate with the time period

Character building- Working through the book Created to Work

Art-  Meet the Masters.com (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques)   
       as well as attending a local coop

Physical Education/Health - Participating in Home school Fitness at the local gym and swimming when we can get him there.  He also is enjoying running this year.

Music:  Listening to the following composers during the year and learning a quick biography about them.   Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Smith, Chopin, Schumann & Sullivan.

Computer:   Continuing to learn keyboard typing using Typing for Children software as well as lessons on Microsoft Word and Power Point.   

Memory work- Besides weekly memory verses will learn:  quote from Christopher Columbus, Patrick Henry, George Washington, also the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence, Preamble of the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Critical thinking - Reading & Math Detective (Beginning) Editor n-Chief (Beginning)

7th Grade Curriculum 2012-13


 This year he will take many online courses through www.veritaspress.com


Composition I  (Textbooks using:  IEW How to Write a Story) Class description:  Students will learn to write for discovery, analysis and communication. Review of basic grammar, study of voice, structure and connection. Students will write essays, learn to move from opinion to thesis and write forms of fiction and non-fiction.

Secondary Latin I - Wheelock”s Latin, Cambridge I & II,  38 Stories

Omnibus III Primary - (A combined class of theology and history)  Description: Omnibus III Primary focuses on great works beginning just after the Reformation and cover significant works of modern Western culture. Book list includes:  Omnibus III text book, United States History text (BJU Press), Anti-Federalist Papers, Of Plymouth Plantation, Federalist Papers, Pilgrim's Progress, A Tale of Two Cities, The Social Contract, Westminster Confession, 1984, Lincoln Speeches & Writings, The Communist Manifesto, The Great Gatsby, Mein Kampf, Reflections on the Revolution in France, Uncle Tom's Cabin

Omnibus III Secondary (A class that correlates with the learning of Omnibus Primary focusing on classical literature.)  Book list includes:  Autobiography of Charles Finney, Frankenstein, Foxe's New Book of Martyrs, Pride and Prejudice, Benjamin Franklin Autobiography, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Gulliver's Travels, Animal Farm, Christianity and Liberalism, Death of a Salesman, Killer Angels, Little Women, The Old Man & the Sea, Postmodern Times, How Should We Then Live?

Logic I- Textbooks:  Intro & Intermediate Logic and Fallacy Detective


For science and math he will be taking at a local coop:

  Science-  (Physical Science) Textbook:  Exploring Creation through Physical Science Apologia text

Math- (Algebra I ) Textbook using:  Elementary Algebra by Harold Jacobs


With Me:

Bible: GOAL Bible Study Journal  http://simplycharlottemason.com/store/goal-bible-study-journal/ & Hymn study to correlate with the time period

Character building- Working through the book Created to Work

Geography:  Will continue using online programs to retain mastery of memorizing the countries of the world.

Music -Continuing to learn more on his self study of the guitar as well as participating in the Middle School Church Band as well as studying the same as the 4th grader above in classical.

Art-  Meet the Masters.com (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques)

Physical Education - Participating in a local school playing basketball this year.

Computer:   Continuing to learn keyboard typing using Typing for Children software as well as lessons on Microsoft Word and Power Point and possibly starting some computer programming.   

4th Grade Reading List 2012-13

 History Explorers - 1815

1.       Pedro’s Journal
2.       Columbus The First Voyage to America
3.       Raleigh’s Paige
4.       The Bears on Hemlock Mountain
5.       Voyage to Freedom
6.       The Courage of Sarah Noble
7.       The Witchcraft of Salem Village
8.       Duncan’s War
9.       Rip Van Winkle
10.   Witch at Blackbird Pond
11.   Hearts and Hands
12.   Guns of Thunder
13.   Can’t you make them Behave King George?
14.   Duel in the Wilderness
15.   If you Lived at the time of the American Revolution
16.   Johnny Tremain
17.   The Ocean of Truth
18.   Yankee Doodle Boy
19.   The Declaration of Independence
20.   The Declaration of Independence words that made America
21.   A Picture Book of Thomas Jefferson
22.   Meet George Washington
23.   Read about George Washington
24.   If you grew up with George Washington
25.   Washington at Valley Forge
26.   The Reb and the Redcoats
27.   Traitor Case of Benedict Arnold
28.   Bold West with Lewis and Clark Journey
29.   Carry on Mr. Bowditch

Science Books
1.       Humphrey the Lost Whale
2.       A Dolphin Named Bob
3.       Venus Among the Fishes
4.       Life Cycle of a Sea Turtle
5.       Is this a House for Hermit Crab?
6.       One Tiny turtle
7.       Sea Turtles
8.       Giant Sea Reptiles
9.       The Lochness Monster
10.   A Sea Full of Sharks
11.   Shark Lady
12.   I Survived the Shark Attack of 1916
13.   20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

Literature Books
1.       The Bells of Christmas
2.       The Gift of the Magi
3.       The Sign of the Beaver
4.       Mary Poppins
5.       From the Mixed up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankweiler
6.       Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
7.       Robert Frost Poetry unit

Misc. Books
1.       Created for Work
2.       Joseph Haydn
3.       George Handel
4.       Beethoven
5.       Mozart
6.       Chopin
7.       Schumann