Course Descriptions – 7th
Language Arts Semesters: 2 Credits: 0.5 Home
Subjects included Spelling,
Grammar, Writing, Vocabulary, and a poetry study used the following
resources: Spelling Workout Level H, Rod and Staff Grammar 6, IEW Fix It Level
1-2, Vocabulary from Classical Roots Level A, Grammar of Poetry, also
focusing on the following poets:
Stevenson, Tennyson, Lord Byron, Shakespeare: Julius Caesar
Algebra I Semesters:
2 Credits: 1 Home
This course will cover the
topics normally covered in a first year high school algebra course. Algebra I
is the beginning of math in the dialectic years. It provides an important
foundation for all mathematics that follow. Topics include factoring; rational
expressions; systems of equations; lines; solving linear, fractional and
quadratic equations; solving inequalities; rational and irrational numbers; and
exponents, including negative exponents.
Text: Elementary Algebra by Harold
General Science Semesters:
2 Credits: 1 Home
A broad studies of the
sciences focusing on Biology, Science of Mathematics, Physics, and the study of
orinthology. Texts used: World of Biology,
World of Mathematics, and part of
World of Physics (Tiner), Storybook of Science, Life of a Spider, Fabre’s
Insects, What’s That Bird, Burgess Bird Book, Archimedes and the Door of
Science, Albert Einstein Theory of Relativity, parts of The Sciences
The Great Conversation 2 Semesters: 2 Credits:
1 Wilson Hill
With the first advent of
Christ and the growth of the church in the early centuries, western man looks
back, seeking to understand what it all means. How did the Gospel message,
spread by a rag-tag band of disciples of Jesus of Nazareth, conquer the Roman
Empire? How would the Church help establish a new civilization as the old Roman
civilization crumbled? Was the result the so-called “Dark Ages,” or is this
medieval period full of light and promise, much more than is often realized?
This course will focus on the great works of theology, philosophy, and
literature and seek to understand them all in the historical context of the
medieval world. As with all courses in The Great Conversation series, students
will be encouraged to hone their skills in discussion and debate, as we seek to
critique all worldviews from a biblical perspective. The key event bringing the
course to an end will be the death of Queen Elizabeth in 1603. Teacher:
Bart Martin Textbook: Omnibus 2, Great Tales from English History,
The Hobbit, Fellowship of the Ring, Two Towers, Return of the King,
Ecclesiastical History of the English People, Nine Tailors, Rule of St.
Benedict, Beowulf, History of the Kings of Britain, Merry Adventures of Robin
Hood, Macbeth, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Henry V, Dante’s Inferno,
Canterbury Tales, and The Reformation.
Latin I Semesters:
2 Credits: 1 Landry Academy
This class
begins the student's Latin studies at the high school level. The course is a
rigorous, college-prep level course designed for self-motivated students who
are able to handle large amounts of memorization and attention to grammatical
detail. We recommend that students have a solid grasp of basic English grammar
(e.g. parts of speech) before beginning the study of Latin. Our Latin Alive!
curriculum will introduce students to the Latin language and the Roman people.
It is brimming with relevant facts and stories! Students will learn the
FUNdamentals of Latin including the noun and adjective charts for all
declensions, four verb conjugations, and six tenses of the indicative mood. We
will also study the function of prepositions, adverbs, and a variety of
pronouns. An emphasis on proper formation and grammatical construction with an
eye for reading Latin literature will be the focus of the class. Latin
conversation and pronunciation will follow Classical Latin pronunciation.
Students will learn to see that Latin is everywhere around them! Texts used:
Latin Alive! 1 Teacher: Traci Farthing
Old Testament Survey/Bible Semesters: 2 Credits: 0.5 Home
in depth study of 2 Samuel-Malachi in the Bible chronologically also focusing
on Greek culture. Texts used: Bible, Story of the Greeks, Created for
Work, Pursuit of God, Holiness of God, How to Pray
PE Semesters:
2 Credits: 0.5 Home
Outside exercise,
running/walking and weight training
Fine Arts Semesters:
2 Credits: 0.25 Home
study into the lives of composers: Vivaldi,
Bach, Handel and the works they accomplished using various books and CDs to
appreciate their style.
studied the following artists’ lives and technique that they used and became
familiar with many of their works: Giotto,
Botticelli, and DaVinci.
Debate Semesters: 2 Credits: 0.5 Grace
Includes discussions of the
communication process, audience analysis, and public speaking guidelines. A
course which involves topic choice, research, organization, and effective
communication. Speaking projects include introductions, interviews,
demonstration speeches, declamations, informative speeches, devotional
speeches, and persuasive speeches.
Other books studied: Ourselves (Mason), ½ Pillar
of Iron, Plutarch Lives (partial)