I am a Christian and a wife and mother of three trying to live out God's purpose for my life. Our homeschooling journey was not a typical beginning. My husband and I had attended public school and had planned for our children to attend there as well. My oldest had attended a pre-k program at a Christian school to get him ready. It had been a bumpy start but he finally settled down and got used to it. When time came to tour the elementary school that our son was zoned for (which was known to be the best one in the county) we decided it wasn't for us. I was floored at what they had planned on teaching them in kindergarten and the learning environment was not inviting. We therefore decided to leave him at the private Christian school he was at and that is where he stayed until 3rd grade. By that time my middle child was ready for pre-k and I signed him up that year as well. Things went pretty well for him but my oldest through the years was bored and didn't want to go. He almost always got perfect scores and never studied. I tried talking with the teachers and they said there was nothing they could do until he got into the upper grades just to be happy that he was bright and "didn't need help." I was tired of paying big bucks for my son to sit and not be challenged so that is the year I took the plunge and pulled him out. It has been a learning road and I have spent many hours studying and learning what is best for my children. Everyone has a story and what works for their family. This blog is what has worked for mine. I hope that what I write will help others who are beginning or those who are always looking for things to help deepen their children's learning. Blessings!

Monday, September 23, 2013

A Day in the Life: Fall of 2013

          Our homeschooling has changed each year due to a change in curriculum, outsourcing of classes or a new addition.  This year we are settling in and even though we have gone to year round schooling our days run pretty much the same.  We basically run our days the same but take more time off and have it spread out throughout the year instead of all during the summer time.  For instance we are taking about 2 wks. off in October for family coming to visit, 2 wks. for Christmas, some time off in the spring or if we are having a bad day I let them take a day off if needed.  I just try to complete the year assignments by the end of May and then we take about 3 wks. off before we start our new year which is normally in the middle of June.  I used to be so stressed about not messing up our scheduled weeks and making sure everything was completed Monday-Friday but I have found that to be too stressful for everyone so I just work it out as days not the day of the week.  For instance normally I would have work scheduled for the whole week Monday-Friday week I day 1-5 etc. but now we do the week and day and wherever we are or leave off we start back the next day so we don’t always do “Monday’s work on Monday but just whenever it falls.  (hope this makes sense).  I have an 8th grader this year but he is doing high school work so he basically is on his own, a 5th grader and a toddler.  We only have one class Latin for my 8th grader that is set during the school year and a meeting at a particular time therefore he has to stick with that class and not get behind as well as both the older boys with their coop classes but that is all.  The rest of the day they can take off. 
      On Monday’s it is considered our run/errand/coop day.  I start my day pretty early, but I use the early time to read to my toddler about 15-30 minutes when he wakes up which is usually about 6-6:30 it is a great time that we can snuggle and gets some reading in before a busy day!  We usually start the actual school day for my older boys around 8am and we have our Bible time, memory verse/hymns and we go over our character quality for the week as well as an additional reading of our music study.  This all takes about 45 minutes.  I then give my 8th grader a list of assignments that need to be completed for the week and he then goes and plans a schedule for the week.  I don’t interfere with this unless absolutely necessary!  I am teaching him to manage his time and since he wants to start college classes in the next year or so he needs to be prepared!  He usually works on Literature in the morning before we leave the house and that is about all he gets in.  I then go over my 5th graders assignment for the day which is light due to coop.  He works on Reading Detective, Math Detective, Editor-n-chief and his memory work by himself while I work with my toddler for about 15 minutes or so on a project before we leave.  We have to leave the house about 10am and head for the library.  I usually play the music we are working on in our music study during this time or work on memory songs.  My oldest has a Latin class on Monday’s and Wednesday’s so he goes into a room and takes his class before having to attend the local coop.  We look for books and run errands.  My 2 oldest attend a coop from 12-4 and get 3 classes accomplished during that time.  They are responsible for finishing their homework there and staying on top of it.  I monitor when needed and give out tests and grade when required.  My 5th grader has one hour of study hall during this time where he uses it to work on his reading from our list of History or Science extra reading and he also works on his life problems for Math which is about a page.  When they get done at 4pm they are done for the day but might work on some reading in the evening.

              Tuesday’s-Friday’s are pretty much the same.  I read with my toddler in the morning and then we have breakfast and do chores (during breakfast since my toddler eats earlier we work on his Bible and memory verse separate from my older children and sometimes phonics during this time as well).  At 8ish we begin our Bible time, hymns, memory verses, character quality story and on Wed. we read out of Prudence and the Millers this all takes about 45min- 1hr.  I go over my 5th graders assignments for the day and he heads off to complete all of his work on his own.  This includes:  Literature reading, spelling pgs, memory work, history class, and readings, science readings, questions, Latin pgs and studying, typing, handwriting, exercising)  I am slowly tapering him into learning to work totally on his own and except for my teaching Grammar and Math hopefully he will be doing mostly everything by next year. My 8th grader goes and works on his plan and then after some chores I work with my toddler on his assignments and activities.  Around 10:30ish I take my toddler outside for about an hour and work on some nature things as well as free play.  My main goal for him right now is to get in about 1 ½ -2 hrs. of reading with him and some outside time.   I also aim for my older boys to read at least 2 hrs. a day.  My two older boys work on their work until about 10:45ish and then they start their exercising routine except on Wed. (when my 8th grader has Latin class).  We break about 11:45ish for lunch and during this time I will check on their progress and I will read aloud a chapter book for all of my kids to enjoy but it is mostly for my toddler at this age and my 5th grader.   They start back work around 12:30 and finish up on their own.  I will read about 15-30 minutes with my toddler before he lays down for bed.  He usually naps about 2 hrs and during that time I work with my 5th grader on our read alouds, Grammar/Writing depending on the day we alternate that, Math, Science experiments, and any spelling or Latin that we need to go over together.  This takes about 1 ½-2 hrs.  I also at this time give any tests that either my 5th or 8th grader need to take since it is quiet!  I will also spend about 15-30 minutes with my 8th grader if he needs anything.  Depending on the day and how they manage their time they get done around 3-4.  However, my 8th grader does do some studying and reading some at night before bed about 30 minutes or so.  Also my 8th grader is doing some of his Math with his dad on Saturday’s since he is teaching Geometry to him and that is a good time for them to work on it but besides that we don’t do school work on the weekends.  Luckily, in the evenings my husband takes my toddler and usually my 5th grader for about an hour for me to go over my oldest assignments that he has completed or to do some minor planning and also an hour or two on the weekends for me to finish up!  Hope his helps some see how we get it all in.  Under subject’s covered I have what my 5th grader does each day and I have a sample of what my toddler does as well for his work. 

Monday, September 2, 2013

2011-12 Book List for 3rd Grade

Studying Middle Ages & Renaissance & Astronomy


Abeka's Pilgrim Progress
Homer Price
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Alice and Wonderland
Winn Dixie
Poetry for Young People (Carrol)


Beorn the Proud
Peril and Peace
Monks and Mystics
A Door in the Wall
The King's Shadow
Adam and His Kin
Joan of Arc
The Beggar's Bible
Art and Civilization:  The Renaissance
Ink on His Fingers
Thunderstorm in Church


Nicolaus Copernicus Earth is a Planet
Along Came Gaileo
Johannes Kepler
To Space and Back 

Book list for 2nd Grade 2010-11

Studying NT and Rome & Greece & Chemistry, Geology & Weather


This list is both during and after school hours. My son loved the Magic Tree House series this year and went through a whole bunch as you can see below :-)

Little House in the Big Woods
Velveteen Rabbit
Thanksgiving on Thursday
Wise Guy Life Philosophy of Socrates
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
One Winter Night
Cleopatra (Stanley)
Black Ships Before Troy
D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths
Romans (Usborne Beginners)
Ancient Greeks (Usborne Beginners)
Archimedes and the Door to Science
Beric the Briton
 The Bronze Bow
The Pomegranate Seeds
The Trojan Horse
What's Smaller than a Pygmy Shrew
Super Science Concoctions
How to Think Like a Scientist
A True Book:  The Periodic Table
Marie Curie's Search for Radium
Building Blocks of Matter:  Atoms and Molecules, Chemical Reactions, Elements and Compounds, and Mixtures and Solutions
A Drop of Water
How We Use Plastic
Lions at Lunchtime
Clouds (Rockwell)
Sunshine Makes the Seasons (Branley)
It's Cloudy Today
The Common Cold (Landau)
Summer of the Sea Serpent
Pirates Past Noon
Earthquake in the Early Morning
Buffalo Before Breakfast
Dingoes at Dinnertime
Season of the Sandstorms
Civil War on Sunday
Dark Day in the Deep Sea
The Food Pyramid (Taylor-butler)
Eat Right!
Fuel the Body Eating Well (Tourville)
Tonight on the titanic
Carnival at Candlelight
Eve of the Emperor Penguin
Monday with a Mad Genius
The Silver Chair 
Pompeii Buried Alive
Tigers at Twilight
Night of the New Magicians 
The Boxcar Children
Vacation Under the Volcano
The Runaway Racehorse
Winter of the Ice Wizard
Day of the Dragon King
Dragon of the Red Dawn
Revolutionary War on Wednesday
Afternoon on the Amazon
Viking Ships at Sunrise
Sunset of the Sabertooth
Ghost Town at Sundown
The Last Battle
Abraham Lincoln (D'Aulaire)
Freckle Juice
A Thief at the National Zoo
A spy in the White House
Trouble at the Treasury
Midnight on the Moon
Polar Bears Past Bedtime 
Sylvester and the Magic Pebble
Benjamin Franklin (D'Aulaire)
Third Grade Pet
Henry Huggins

Book List 5th Grade 2010-11

Studying NT and Rome & Greece & Chemistry, Geology 


This list consist of books read during and after school hours for the year.  Some my son picked out but loved like the Hardy Boy series :-)

Wise Guy Life Philosophy of Socrates
The Librarian Who Measured the Earth
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Cleopatra (Stanley)
Black Ships Before Troy
D'Aulaire's Book of Greek Myths
Romans (Usborne Beginners)
Ancient Greeks (Usborne Beginners)
Archimedes and the Door to Science
Beric the Briton
The Bronze Bow
The Pomegranate Seeds
The Trojan Horse
The Silver Chair
The Last Battle
Winners Take All
Don't Talk to Me About the War
Roberto and Me
Aristotle (Dell)
The Sign of the Beaver
Alexander the Great (Gunther)
A Wrinkle in Time
Best Christmas Pageant Ever
Hardy Boys:  Extreme Danger
The Cat Who Went to Heaven
Twice Freed
Fizz, Bubble, & Flash
Adventures with Atoms and Molecules
The Mystery of the Periodic Table
Geology rocks
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Secret Garden
The Hobbit
Old Yeller
Hardy Boys:  Running on Fumes, Boardwalk Bust, Thrill Ride, Burned, Operation:  Survival, Top Ten Ways to Die, Rocky Road, Martial Law, Hurricane Joe, Blown Away, Trouble in Paradise, The Mummy's Curse, Death and Diamonds, Murder at the Mall, Pushed, Bayport Buccaneers, Foul Play, Comic Con Artist, Feeding Frenzy, Deprivation House, House Arrest, Murder House, Wanted, Kidnapped, Double Trouble, The Tower Treasure, Double Deception and Double Down (I should have just said he read everyone in the series :-)
Robinson Crusoe
The Door in the Wall
Diary of a Wimpy Kids Dog Days, The Last Straw
The Story of Rolf and the Viking Bow
Baseball Science
Inside a Website
Inside a Television
Phineas Gage (Fleischman)

2008-2009 Curriculum K & 3rd Grade

Kindergarten Curriculum

This was my first year of homeschooling and I was treading on unknown territory.  I was petrified so I contacted their old Christian school that they had been attending and asked what curriculum they were going to be using for my kids ages next year and that is where I began.  As you can see through the year I made some changes and for the following school year even more changes.

Language Arts – Abeka for phonics, spelling, and handwriting

Math- Started with Addison Wesley but he finished rather quickly and so we then moved on to Saxon K which was too easy so we finished up the year completing Saxon Math 1 (which I would recommend starting with)

Science – We started using Abeka for Science/History but was such a joke so he tagged along and participated in big brother’s science and history for the remainder of the year.  We also just ended up going to the library and reading about the topics that were supposed to be covered in the Abeka book but were just so simplistic and my kids found it to be boring.

History- Started with Abeka but ended up using books from the library to coincide with topics to be covered.  We focused on our state study, basic map skills, and famous people in history.

Health- Used Abeka and we did use this throughout the year but ended up finding more books at the library to add to it since it was too basic.

Art- Draw Write Now using various of their books

Music- Learning to read notes and playing the recorder

Computer- Working with Kid Pix program (my kids really enjoyed this and it was a lot of fun)

Bible- Used various books but focused on:  Salvation, Creation, Life of Christ, Studies on Samuel, David, Elijah, Esther & Daniel, also Parables and we memorized bible verses and songs

3rd Grade Curriculum

Language Arts- Used Abeka Basal readers, also read:  Little House in the Big Woods, Charlotte’s Web, The Whipping Boy, Winn Dixie, Farmer’s Boy & Pilgrim’s Progress (Abeka)

Grammar- Shurley English 3

Spelling- Spelling Workout by Modern Curriculum Press

Handwriting- Zaner Bloser cursive

Math- Saxon 3 & 54 (finished quickly and so we breezed through both)

Science- used Abeka’s text Exploring God’s World but was way too basic so we ended up adding more reading from the library along with writing reports and activities to go along with it. 

Health- Abeka’s Health Safety and Manners, again too simplistic so we added more reading using books from the library to add and go more in depth.

History- Used Bob Jones Heritage Studies 3 (hated it very boring) we ended up throwing it to the side and just used the ideas and went in depth reading books from the library as well. 

Art- Draw Write Now using various of their books

Music- Learning to read notes and playing the recorder

Computer- Working with Kid Pix program (my kids really enjoyed this and it was a lot of fun)

Bible- Used various books but focused on:  Salvation, Creation, Life of Christ, Studies on Samuel, David, Elijah, Esther & Daniel, also Parables and we memorized bible verses and songs

2009-10 Curriculum 1st and 4th Grades

1st Grade Curriculum

·         Phonics & Handwriting- finishing up phonics and printing using Abeka.

·         Grammar- Shurley English 1

·         Spelling- Spelling Workout B by Modern Curriculum Press

·         Literature - reading novels such as:  Charlotte's Web, Flat Stanley, Cul-de-sac Kids books

·         Math - Saxon 2

·         Science- Studying plants, animals and the human body using the www.easyclassical.com unit also taking a general science class at a local coop

·         History- Studying the Old Testament and Ancient Egypt using www.easyclassical.com along with Vertias Press and Story of the World

·         Bible - Beginning a two year study of reading the Bible through.  Also learning many memory verses and songs as we go along.

·         Art- Drawing with Children and taking an art class at a local coop

·         Music- Will begin learning to play the violin taking private lessons

·         PE- Participating in UPWARD basketball and baseball through the county

4th Grade Curriculum

·         Literature- Reading the following novels and participating in a local coop.  Stuart Little, Carry on Mr. Bowditch, Where the Red Fern Grows, Swiss Family Robinson, and the Christmas Carol.

·         Writing- Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW)

·         Spelling- Spelling Workout E by Modern Curriculum Press

·         Grammar- Shurley English 4

·         Handwriting – Zaner Bloser cursive

·         Math- Saxon 65

·         Science- Studying plants, animals and the human body.  Using Easy Classical curriculum and will also be participating in a local coop studying Anatomy.

·         History- Old Testament and Ancient Egypt using EasyClassical and Veritas Press and Story of the World

·         Latin- Latin for Children A curriculum

·         Bible - Beginning a two year study of reading the Bible through.  Also learning many memory verses and songs as we go along.

·         Art- Drawing with Children

·         Music- Participating in a local homeschool band to learning to play the guitar.

·         PE- Participating in UPWARD basketball and baseball through the county

2010-11 Curriculum 2nd & 5th Grades

2nd Grade Curriculum

  • Literature - Novels: Little House in the Big Woods, Velveteen Rabbit, Pinocchio, The Boxcar Children, Henry Huggins
  • Grammar- Shurley English 2
  • Writing- IEW (Institute for Excellence in Writing)
  • Spelling/Vocabulary - Spelling Workout C by Modern Curriculum Press 
  • Critical Thinking - Building Thinking Skills
  • Math- Saxon 3 
  • Latin- Song School Latin
  • Science- Weather unit (The College of William & Mary's Center for Gifted Education unit study on Weather)  & Noeo Science curriculum Chemistry and Geology as well as reading many books see 2nd grade reading list.
  • History- Studying New Testament and Ancient Rome & Greece using www.easyclassical.com curriculum which uses Veritas Press and Story of the World reading
  • Art- Drawing with Children & participating in a local art class 
  • Handwriting- Zaner Bloser Cursive 
  • Bible- We started reading the Bible through last year and this year we are finishing it up.  Also Memory verses we are memorizing and songs to go with out study.
  • Art- Drawing with Children & participating in a local art class
  • Music -  Taking private violin lessons.
  • Keyboarding - Starting to learn the correct fingering of the keyboard using various games and programs online
  • PE - Participating in UPWARD basketball and baseball for the county.

5th Grade Curriculum

  • Literature-Reading many novels and for many suing Veritas Press guides.  (Adventures of Tom Sawyer, The Hobbit, The Secret Garden, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory) Also using Jacob's Ladder Reading Comprehension Program (The College of William & Mary Education Unit)
  • Grammar & Writing II - Shurley English Level 6 & Institute of Excellence in Writing (2nd semester took an online course at www.veritaspress.com) To make sure he was ready for the next writing and grammar course.
  • Spelling- Spelling Workout F by Modern Curriculum Press and did use some of Spelling Power
  • Science-Physical Science using Plato Learning Science Cyber Ed curriculum which focused on:  matter, chemistry, energy, and motion. (Okay curriculum ended up not being a favorite for us) He also studied Chemistry and Geology using Noeo Science curriculum and many correlating read alongs with the unit.  We liked this curriculum pretty well but it has changed quite a bit since we used it so not sure what it is like as of 2013.
  • Critical Thinking -  Building Thinking Skills
  • Latin- Latin for Children B 
  • Math- Pre-Algebra We started using Thinkwell Math but ended up not liking it at all.  It just wasn't a good fit for my son and the way he thinks so about 1/4 of the way we gave it up and went back to Saxon.  He completed Saxon 76 rather quickly and then we just reviewed for the remainder of the year.
  • Bible- We started reading the Bible through last year and this year we are finishing it up.  Also Memory verses we are memorizing and songs to go with out study.
  • Art- Drawing with Children & participating in a local art class
  • Music - Continuing his study of the guitar
  • Keyboarding -  Working on correct fingering and the correct way to type using different games and programs
  • PE- Participating in UPWARD basketball and baseball for the county.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

2011-12 Curriculum 3rd & 6th grades

Third Grade Curriculum

  • Grammar and Writing (will be using Institute for Excellence in writing curriculum along with Shurley English 3 for Grammar)
  • Spelling/Voc.:  Spelling Workout D by Modern Curriculum Press
  • Handwriting:  Zaner Bloser (will continue to practice cursive writing)
  • Literature - Abeka’s Pilgrim Progress, Homer Price, The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, A Door in the Wall, Alice in Wonderland, Winn Dixie, Poetry for Young People 
  • Math- (using Saxon 5/4)
  • Latin - (using Latin for Children)
  • History- (will be studying a historical time line from the Middle Ages through the Renaissance and Reformation, using Veritas Press resources, Story of the World, as well as many historical fiction books to aid in understanding each time period.) History books see list at:  www.easyclassical.com
  • Geography:  Using Geography Songs to help learn the different countries and mapping the different locations. 
  • Science-  Apologia textbook:  Exploring Creation with Astronomy (along with many other books that coincide with the curriculum) as well as attending a local coop group Some of the books being read are:  Nicolaus Copernicus Earth is a Planet, Along Came Gaileo, Johannes Kepler, To Space and Back
  • Bible-  Choosing Obedience curriculum along with Bible Discovery:  Words of Wisdom
  • Music - Private lesson on learning the violin.
  • Art-  Meet the Masters.com (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques) as well as attending a local coop group
  • Physical Education - Participating in local groups playing basketball and horseback riding.

6th Grade Curriculum

The following five classes he will be taking online at www.veritaspress.com 
  • Grammar & Writing Transition (will be using Our Mother Tongue for grammar and for writing will be using and will be using  Elegant Essays Vocabulary from Classical Roots for Linguistics.)
  •  Literature III (will be reading many novels and studying different types of literature)  Book list includes:  Around the World in 80 Days, The Call of the Wild, A Christmas Carol, Fahrenheit 451, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Jungle Book, Kidnapped, Little Women, White Fang, The Yearling
  •  Math- (will be using Saxon Algebra ½ curriculum)
  •  Grammar School Latin III - (will be using Latin for Children C)
  •  History Survey and Transition- (will be studying a historical time line from Creation to present, using Veritas Press resources as well as many historical fiction books to aid in understanding each time period.  Book list: The Boy's and Girl's Herodotus, God King. Children of the Covered Wagon, First Voyage to America, With Lee in Virginia, Beowulf, Alone Yet Not Alone, Adam and His Kin, Augustine: The Farmer Boy, The Hiding Place, Of Plymouth Plantation, Sergeant York and the Great War, King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table, Johnny Tremain, Children's Homer 

  • Science-  Studying General Science this year which includes using the Apologia textbook:  Exploring Creation with General Science and taking at a local coop.
  • Spelling- Spelling Workout Level G by Modern Curriculum Press
  • Geography:  Using Geography Songs as well as an online program http://www.seterra.net/ to help learn the different countries and mapping the different locations.
  •  Bible- Will be using Balancing the Sword curriculum in studying in depth of the different books of the Bible Revelation, Acts, John, & Proverbs.  Also doing a study on Godly Relationships.
  •  Critical Thinking-  The Fallacy Detective and The Thinking Toolbox
  •  Music - Continuing to learn more on his self study of the Guitar.
  •  Art-  Meet the Masters.com (learning about different artists and trying out their techniques)
  •  Physical Education - Participating in local activities including basketball and baseball.